Evaluating Claim Substantiation Data: Separating Marketing Hype from Reality

In this May 2001 Formulators Forum column, Ken Klein, formerly of Cosmetech Labs, acknowledges (even back then) being bombarded by marketing claims for the latest and greatest, making him skeptical of new products. Here, he proposes a course of action.
In this May 2001 Formulators Forum column, Ken Klein, formerly of Cosmetech Labs, acknowledges (even back then) being bombarded by marketing claims for the latest and greatest, making him skeptical of new products. Here, he proposes a course of action.
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(Readers: Note this article is taken from our May 2001 archives).
Practically every day of the week, in fact several times a day, we are bombarded by literature from raw material suppliers telling us about their latest and greatest new raw material. This is just the product we have been waiting for! The claims that are being made for these materials are at least as varied and imaginative (often more so) as the chemistry. I don’t know about you, but I can say without any reservation that I’m getting to the point of information overload, which is making me rather skeptical about new materials. 

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